News and Articles
The impacts of Covid-19 on the New Zealand Immigration system and border have been significant and immigration policy and operational instructions have updated at a speed not seen before since the borders were first closed in March 2020. The Skilled Migrant Category has resumed fully, in a new simplified version. This has been in place since October 2023 and you can read about the requirements here.
Other categories to have undergone, or are in the process of undergoing, significant changes include the Investor categories (see our Investor Categories page for more information), the Post-Study work visa policy and the introduction of several new resident visa categories. Selection of Expressions of Interests for the Skilled Migrant Category has resumed, whilst the category is currently being reviewed. It is likely we will see a significant change to the way points are allocated under this category later in 2023.
Please refer to some of the articles below which relate to changes to be implemented or are currently being reviewed.